
Monday 6 May 2013

WEEK 2 (buy the components)

This is peltier or thermoelectric that i use for this project. I choose this component because its suitable and easily to assamble to the solar panel. This peltier can buy at jalan pasar and E-bay. The price is quite different. We need to searching and analyse before buy it. I had order at E-bay. So, i need to waiting around 1 month to assamble this peltier at the back of solar panel.

The solar panel that use is monocrystalline.(picture above)

Mono cells are made by growing a cylindrical ingot of crystal silicon from a small seed crystal. The ingot is one crystal, hence the name ‘mono-crystalline’ or single-crystal. This ingot is then trimmed into a square and sliced into wafers. The ‘mono-crystalline’ cell is most effective when placed at 0° (North in the southern hemisphere and South in the Northern hemisphere).

The specification for solar panel use.
This solar panel had buy at Jalan pasar.


  1. There is a chance you are qualified for a new government sponsored solar rebate program.
    Find out if you qualify now!
