
Thursday, 15 November 2012

Research (Week 4&5)

Assalamualaikum...for this week, i try to change the style writing blog..hehe..
I had research the solar panel that i will use for this project and i choose 
Solar Panel 17V 290mA (5W). the picture i grab from
I also refer the price of this solar panel and the other related part from this website.

·         17V
·         295mA
·         5W
·         Size: 295mm x 195mm x 18mm

There also have many solar panel such as,

Solar Cell 12V 250mA (3W)
 -This panel cheaper than the upper one

Solar Cell 12V 83.3mA (1W) 
- This the cheapest than the uppers panel.


  1. You might be qualified for a new government sponsored solar rebate program.
    Find out if you're eligble now!
